I've got a huge stack of them going, and I need to pull out the 4 inch light strip bin and cut some more. I don't count as I cut and somehow I always end up being short in one or the other. Eventually, I'll get enough done to start sewing together some blocks and rows. Fun, fun, fun.....

The only change I made to the recipe was I used Chicken broth even though the strongly said not to. Hmmm, I wonder what that says about me?? LOL. I did look for some vegetable broth and didn't find it, so that was why I substituted. Sure, I could have made my own, but nah.....the chicken broth was perfect. Oh, and I did not drain the tomatoes either....and I might have added a bit more pasta than the recipe called for. Oh, my....I don't follow recipes very well, do I??? LOL
If you have a large family, you might want to double the recipe. It makes quite a bit, but we like leftovers (and aren't soups better the next day anyway???) and we do have lots of people in and out. It's great to heat a bowl up when you come in from the cold.

Well, Dear Son and his bride to be and her parents are coming over today for lunch. They are bringing the meal, so that is a special treat. We're looking forward to spending a few hours with them.
Maybe this evening, I'll pull out Dear Son's graduation quilt and sew a few more rows. Who knows, maybe soon, I'll even have some pics to share!!
Happy Quilting!!!!!
Oh Paula, it sounds like the way I follow a recipe! Usually works out ok.
Can't wait to see the graduation quilt. Enjoy the handwork!
The soup looks great! I did not see the link to the recipe though...
Hope you had an enjoyable visit. You are getting some great in-laws!
We took our dear oldest to IAH to catch a plane back to Fl for school. ..
Have a grand week.
Yeah you! Don't HSTs make you smile? I love them. The soup looks good, I will have to try it. Yes leftover soup is so good. I wonder if freezing it will change the texture of any of the ingredients. I have been in the "make lots and freeze for later" mood lately.
I hope you had a really nice visit with the new family members.
Give my love to everyone.
Paula, I was all geared up to comment on the fun pile of HST's you have there then I came upon the cutest blocks on the planet (DS's 1922 Quilt). Now those are tops!
Oh, I love those blocks! And the soup makes me hungry just looking at the picture! My favorite in cold weather, home made soup! (And I am a firm believer in using chicken broth!)
Paula, thanks for the link to the soup recipe! I love minestrone! Your DS's quilt looks lovely...I can't wait to see the top completed!
Paula, you have been busy! I know what you mean about the HSTs and their wonky ways sometimes. Glad you got control over them. You son's quilt blocks look great. What an amazing quilt he will have.
Just printed out the soup recipe. thanks, i'm going to try it.
Have a good week.
I can tell from your typing-- you're having a ball! It's sounds like life is good at your house.... have fun.
by the way, your photo of the soup is more appealing than the one with the recipe!
are you still working on your secret project? and what is it? :)
Yummy!!The soup looks great. A bit to hot here in australia to eat soup but I will get the recipe from the link for winter! Jo xo
I would use chicken broth, too . . . . wonder what they have against it? Sounds yummy *S*
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